Lesson learned from this woman:
Don't even try fixing a broken heart, you'll end up being hurt and possibly used.
My hopes quickly crumbled down as she told me that she had just gotten out of a four and a half year relationship and her ex-boyfriend was due to come home from Australia - the mentioning of Australia made me giggle inside. She told me she had some half-story with a barkeeper in my favorite club, and that her ex had announced that he wanted her back, even though he had cheated on her. But in basically the same sentence she said that she would be interested in meeting me. So I didn't give up and chatted with her quite frequently. When I went home the following weekend we met in person and spoke the first time and I was just in love with her from that moment on. But I had concludded from my previous women that I am always endangered to get too deep too fast, so I decided to ask her right the next day if she could think of me and her as a couple in the near of far future. She said no, and I was able to accept it and move on, after announcing, that our contact would need to go down.
The next week she chatted me up immediately, saying she wanted to come to the Netherlands and stay with me for fife days, which I took as a sign, that she changed her opinion. I was happy to hear about it, and we started chatting more frequently again. She liked me, she admitted. We started talking via phone, nearly even broke the record I had with M. She clutched onto me, because the thing with the barkeeper was not working out at all, and I was once again playing heart-mechanic. We were also getting quite intimate verbally. It was Thursday and she was due on Wednesday of the following week. I decided I would take an unplanned trip home for the weekend and meet her, and when she heard about it, she was incredibly happy and said she was looking forward to seeing me.

I chatted her up the following week, asking her about her new old relationship, asking her about the barkeeper, helping her with her hurt heart. Only one and a half weeks after she got back with her (ex-?)boyfriend they broke up again, or rather, she broke up again. I'm a little confused concerning the name of him now, is it her ex-boyfriend, or her ex-ex-boyfriend? Hm. Anyway, let's move on. She had something with Mr. Barkeeper again. A few days later she was going to a festival with her ex-(ex-(ex-?)?)boyfriend. When I headed home that week she asked me if I wanted to come, which I felt was pretty rude. I denied.
From said festival I got a call that weekend. I took it, and screamed whether she was there, as I only heard loud music. When she didn't reply I noticed the actual song playing and recognized it as "The Offspring - Self Esteem". Now if you are not familiar with it, the lyrics are basically about a guy being used by a girl. The song is from the guys perspective, how he is heart-broken but cannot let her go, and she keeps hurting him. I instantly knew that there was a reason why she let me hear that exact song. I felt like someone had hit me with a katana right through my heart. She was admitting that she was playing with me.

I just have to stick to my commitments.
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