Motto of this chapter:
Eadem mutata resurgo, mawfakka!
So, as everyone is hopefully anxiously awaiting the second part of the druggie-story, I am taking a quick breath before I continue, which gives me time to pop out a few other things, that will be interesting aswell, just on a different level.
While I quite like what he did there, I have a few remarks about it. First, the center piece of the work shall be the writing itself. Second, I like the whole bloody dagger and diamond thing, but I don't see a connection there, although he says it is a "vanitas-symbol" which would fit perfectly to the slogan. I would prefer the writing to be turned by 90°, made bigger, stripped off of the diamond and dagger, and instead have a phoenix rising from his ashes added. Seeing how that goes with the theme of "I arise, the same though changed" pretty well. Third, I love the red outlining up top and on the sides, I'd want that all around, with maybe one or two stars.
He said he will sit down again and, seeing how he really is talented with that kind of stuff, I have faith that it will get awesome, and that I can get it inked soon. I'll definately reward him for his work.
Secondly, I changed the layout of the site a little bit. I updated to Blogger 2.0, which enhanced the Archive to the left, and also added a nice little header up top. If you want to link to my site, please feel free to use this banner. I also use it as a new signature in basically all forums I am active in.
By the way, Feedback on anything is appreciated (Tattoo and layout ideas etc etc pp).
So long,
stay tuned!
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