Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Catching up with business

Motto of this chapter:
There's always something to do, life just doesn't get boring.
Atleast in my case the motto applies perfectly. Of course I have times, where I am bored, but that quickly drops and I am back in some kind of action. And if there really is a period of boredom I just participate in a party, and it is assured that some kind of action is on.

Last year, around the time when I got to know A, I was on my way to a party. The train I was supposed to catch was late. Besides me there were two other guys waiting for the train, I asked them after 20 minutes whether they knew what was going on, and when they said they had no clue, we together cursed on the bad organization of the germans. When finally the train arrived, I was happy to be ~1:15h late.

The next day I went home from my sister's place, and when I walked to the front of the train I saw the two guys from the day before again. I walked by, nodding my head towards them. They asked me to wait, and said they had no ticket, and whether they could drive with me on my ticket. I knew it wasn't going to work, and told them so, but they insisted to try. Picture me between two guys with shaved heads overtowering me on either side. I said we would try.

When the ticket guy came, he of course said, it wouldn't work that way, and the two guys would have to get out or buy a ticket asap. I grinned to myself, and walked away. As soon as I sat, one of the two guys approached me, because they were going to buy a ticket, but had no money on them. He asked me, if I could borrow them 15 Euro real quick, they'd give it back, when we arrived in my home town. I didn't want to be the reason for those two guys to have to leave the train, so I said I could borrow them the money.

In my home town we walked to their place. When we arrived, one of the two took a spoon, a lighter and a belt and went into the bathroom, which made me suspicious already, especially regarding the condition of the "flat":
- doors taken out of their hinges
- pictures of several little kids with their happy mom's on the walls
- table filled with lighters, spoons and crack pipes
- the bed consisting of just a mattress

I should've turned and walked away right as soon as my head had processed these informations. But y'know, I figured, if they do these kind of things, they will do other things too, and they will not want anyone to know about it. So I stayed and hoped to get the money and then go. The second guy was reading some mail he got, apparently from his mum, sending him a 50 Euro bill. I asked him about the money again, to which he replied with "Yo, dude, how about we work something out, I have speed here, weed, I can organize anything you want!". That moment the other guy comes from the toilet, walking pretty unsteady, looking trippy. I was scared to death.

I told him that I don't want to have anything to do with their drugs, all I wanted was my 15 Euro. He said, he'd have to check with his mate's mum, if she could break the 50 Euro note. They grabbed a few things and we headed there, it was only a few houses down the road. Halfway there one of them handed me a bag and said "Hold this for me a second, I don't want my mum to know about my drug-stories.". When I asked what was in the bag, he replied "A good chunk of Weed.". So now I had a bag full of weed in my hand, walking with two druggies to one of their mums to get 15 Euro back.

On arrival I was asked to stay downstairs, at the stairs of the apartment building, because, as mentioned before, the mum shouldn't know about anything related to drugs. The two guys went upstairs and returned only 5 minutes later. I was still shitting myself badly, so don't ask me why, but for some reason they had a good reasoning when they asked me for another 50 Euro, which they then had to planned to use to give me back the money they owed me. And of course, as the wuss I tend to be in these situations, I gave them the 50 Euro bill I had with me, and they went back upstairs, leaving me with the weed bag at the stairs, where there were children running around everywhere.

I sat there, waiting for them to hopefully return sooner rather than later, and after a while it occured to me that they were taking way longer than I had expected them to. I had waited 30 minutes on them already, when I first asked one of the kids if they knew the guys I came in with, and whether they maybe knew, where the mum of one of them lived. I only got shrugging shoulders and question marks. I thought 'Fuck that, I'll just leave' but then I realized I still had their drugs, and they would probably be major pissed if I just ran for it. I instead went ahead and asked the shopowner of a clothing store in the same building if they knew who the two guys were and where the mum lived. Again, nothing but shrugging.

I waited another half hour. They didn't come back. All kinds of bizarre scenarios went through my head, what if they had called the cops on me, or what if they were waiting only a few hundred meters away waiting for me to run for it and then grab me and give me the beating of my life. But still, I had to do something. I had taken a sneakpeak in the bag already and had seen that there wasn't only a good lump of what was supposed to be weed, but also a major bag of some sort of white powder. That increased my tension and my angst of maybe being caught.

But I couldn't just leave the bag there and leave either. There were kids all around, and I would be the one to be held responsible, should something happen. And I could definately not take the bag with me. My mum would shred me into pieces already anyway, I didn't want to burn in hell additionally afterwards. I chose to go back to the flat and hope for them to be there.

Of course they weren't. So I was back at the same situation just at a different place. I chose to ask the woman behind the counter of a flowershop below the flat if they had a clue. When I asked about the guy owning the flat she said that he was in rehab and hadn't been home for months. When I told her that he owed me money and that I had stuff that belonged to him I only realized afterwards why she looked at me strange. So back out I went and still needed a solution.

I chose that housebreaking would be better than heavy drugdealing, opened their postbox with force, crammed the bag in there, closed the postbox with force again, and legged it like I never did before.

This is the end of the first part of this story. I hope you are anxiously waiting for part II. Give me some time to write it up.

So long,
stay tuned!


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