Motto of the past days:My Bio-Rythm is utterly fucked up right now. I go to bed at 3-5 a.m. and wake up from 8:30 a.m. on ever hour or so, and keep telling myself 'C'mon, you gotta get up!' and in the end I find myself waking up again an hour later, until around Noon. *Thumbs up*
Life is a bitch, and by life I mean parents.
My mother was away on the weekend, and she brought 2 little kitties with her out of the blue. More of those in a later post, with pictures, of course.
For finishing school and getting my high school graduation, my grandparents gave me a rather big amount of money for my future live. I am supposed to use it on driver's license (Which I started on Monday, \o\ |o| /o/) and the like. Now my brother needed money, and I gave him quite alot, and he asured, that he'd give it back as soon as he could. But my mother kept bugging me to bring the money (cash) to the bank, for interest and generally 'so it doesn't get stolen, if someone breaks into our house'. Yeah right. She wanted to be present when I pay it in, and that just wouldn't work, because then I'd have to tell her, where the missing money went. So I had a fight with her about what's mine, and what not. *rolleyes*
F if you read this, I need my money OLOLOL.
Driver's license is on, like I said. More info when I progress.
So long.
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