Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Holidays, Chapter #3: Lake Constance

Motto of Lake Constance:
God save my queen
Me and M (Picture to the right) just returned from Lake Constance. We had an awesome time staying there, even though the weather was as bad as I suspected it to be. On the way there we took a stop in the wonderful city of Tübingen, and went to see Lindau, Konstanz and Mersburg. Beautiful part of Germany, but their camping sites really need improving. It was very noisy, and you had barely any privacy, because anyone was basically sitting on each other.

The camping itself was a bit of a nightmare. Rain, rain and some more rain, and our tent wasn't water-proof at all. We tried buying impregnating spray, but that sort of made it even worse. We ended up getting all our clothes clammy, and sleeping in damp sleeping-bags. \o/ for god's kind of humour.

I promised you to get an updated picture of my gf, here you go, enjoy:

Now I'm off to the spot nightclub with a few former schoolmates. I think I'll provide some pictures of them, tomorrow. Thank god for the invention of Digital Cameras.

Until then.



Anonymous said...

Great to see you are having a fun summer :)
I'm still out on vacation myself. xD

Anonymous said...

Maike ist so hübsch^^