Thursday, December 21, 2006

The License Cataclysm #3

Motto of the day:
To improve is to change. To be perfect is to change often.
Things are improving again. Let me summarize:

-license is doing good. Driving isn't as hard as I had thought it would be.
-planning for Australia is getting more concrete, i actually even have a job offer for Feb.
-I'm expanding my muscial horizon further as I speak, which makes me happy.

On the other side, there is still alot to do. My visa still doesn't seem settled. My flight tickets haven't arrived yet. My old driving tutor still hasn't let my new driving tutor know about how many theory classes I have taken so far, which makes it kind of hard to finish the license.

Bah well. It'll work out.

/me thinks positive

Oh, and seriously, Justing Timberlake created one hell of a bomb with 'My Love'. I can't stop it on my IPod atm....

So long!


Friday, December 15, 2006

The License Cataclysm #2

Motto of the day:
Been there, done that
I think I am getting back on the track.

I changed my driving school, to finally get to drive and get my license. First driving lesson on Monday 0900 a.m.. We'll see how it goes.

I'm too tired to say much more.

Keep your heads up,


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The License Cataclysm

Motto of the day:
Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse
You finally get up, want to organize your stuff for your driver's license, go to theory classes over weeks, spending alot of time and effort getting to your driving school, because apparently 'it is a good driving school' and 'it has very competent driving instructors' and when you need those 'competent' diving instrctors, you get dumped.

I did do things wrong, because I was misinformed. But seriously, I have it up to here with this fucked up driving school. I called the bureau that apparently has to check my visual test and that sort of things. I get told, I have to give my visual test to either my community which lead it to them, or directly give it to the bureau. What did my 'competent' driving instructor tell me? 'Hand 'em over, I'll take care of it!'. The bureau asks me for all the needed details to check whether they have the stuff, which I gave to my driving instructor about 1 week ago, turns out, they have got nothing so far. When the gus from the bureau asks for the driving school I'm at, I tell him, he laughs and says 'Well, we've had multiple learners get their visual test and stuff lost in the mail due to that driving school.'.

Things to do next:
- Call the driving school to get the tests and those things
- Tell the driving school, that they either let me drive as soon as possible, which could be tomorrow really, or they lose me as a customer
- Start driving in my current or a different driving school, and hope and pray, that I get the chance to finish my driver's license before australia. Because I need it there.

No Cheers today,
I'm pissed,

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Surfing the World Wide Web #4

Motto of the day:
Why is it that, whenever I surf the web, my faith in humanity turns emo?
Let me try to find the beginning of ridiculeness of today's post. I think we start with this:

4-year-old accused of improperly touching teacher. Yes, you did read right. A 4-year-old over in Bellmead in Texas was accused of having improperly touched a teacher, doing so by rubbing his face into the chest of the female employee. How fucking dumb do you have to be, to see any connection to a 'sexual contact' or 'sexual harassment' in that action. A 4 year old can't even SPELL b-o-n-e-r.

Let's move on to this:
Parents nearly trading kids for PS3 consoles. And again, I am serious about what I am saying. This Radio Station in Minnesota announced that they'd give out free PS3 consoles (which only just hit market) to parents, who'd give children to the station for 24 hours. Thing is, it was a hoax. They didn't actually think anyone would call. Turns out, there were hundreds of people who would've done it, even several parents who'd turn in their several day or several week old children. Whoever called there should be jailed and sterilized right away.

Finally, this video:
Shirley Phelps Roper + daughters on The Tyra Banks Show. No comment from my side on this, just watch and enjoy.

So long,


Friday, December 08, 2006


Motto of the day:
Smile . . . tomorrow will be worse.
Do you remember my plans about London? - Good.
Now try and remember what my last Blog-Entry was about. - Correct, about failing plans.

Now try and combine the two.

My plans for New Year's Eve have changed. Most of the people, who wanted to meet up in London, are very unsure whether they can make it. And I can't go ahead and say 'Aight, i'll just wait a few weeks until you know.' because apparently, the longer you wait to book your flights, the more expensive it gets.

Seems like my plans for New Year's Eve are getting drunk again again (aye, 2 agains).

So long,


Thursday, December 07, 2006

Welcome Home #5

Motto of the day:
If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.
Just plain great.

You sit there, think you have everything under control, and BAM, life moprhes back into the bitch it usually is.

Drivers license before Australia? Hah, good luck with that, you RETARD. For clarification:
In Germany, if you are trying to attain the drivers license, you have to have certain certificates for you to be allowed to do it. Franz, as the idiot I am, thinks 'Hey, no need to rush it, you do some theory classes, make the certificates right before the theory-test, then go start with the practice. The certificates will be approved before I have to do my practice-test.'. Well thought buddy, but you should've wasted a few more thoughts on it, and could've come to the conclusion, that it is better to double-check that, and see if it actually works that way, because in reality, nothing is as simple as you'd want it to be.

Fact is, I just got my certificates, passed em on to my driving instructor, and all he's got to say to it is 'Yeah well, you have accomplished your theory-classes quota, you can lay back for a few weeks, while the certificates get approved, then you can go ahead and do your theory-test. I thought he was joking, but yeah, like i said, life usually is a bitch.

I am going to call the local department and ask them to speed up the whole process for this one time, because I am leaving Germany for a while in January. My hopes are, that some random pencil-pusher will have mercy and actually do something for his money. Wish me luck, I'll need it.

Another thing that went wrong?
Oh yeah, the booking of my flight. I send em my account details, turns out my bank-account is not applicable for direct debiting system. This means more costs and more time invested - and more nerves. Grmbl.

I'm grumpy right now.
Fuck german bureaucracy.


Monday, December 04, 2006

Germany's Nightlife #3

Motto of that night:
Rock your body at checkpoint 2 / Rock your body, Miccheck 'one - two'
It's always fun to go clubbing with your pals, especially if you ate basically nothing and get vodka-energy for 1,50. Usually not the best combination, but it was reeeeeeally needed that night. Came home at around 4 a.m., nearly starving. First thought:'Hey you are in a rather big city with multiple pizza delivery services of which atleast one has to be open during the night. Heh, life taught me a lesson there. My choice was salami-cheese-toast and a snickers-icecream-sort-of-thing. Meh.

Also, a friend of mine said my outfit that night sucked. Can anyone confirm that please? (The sweater was the problem for her, but I like that sweater =/)

As for my drivers license, I'm |-----| that close to having it in my pocket. Just a little bit of learning here and reading there, and I'm done. W00t.

Next big thing: Australia
Dates are set, I'm leaving on 01-11-07 with China Airlines (I still think that I will regret having made that choice), stopping by in Taipei for several hours, having to protect myself of those nasty mobs of taiwans, then leaving to Brisbane. Can't wait to actually begin this journey.

What else is going on in my life?
New Year's Eve? Well, last years new year's eve was kind of... uhm... let me try to express this without you getting the feeling that I am a complete idiot... *cough* yeah well, it wasn't the best new year's eve I've had in my life. That info has to suffice. This year, there is a slim chance of staying in London with some friends (Greetings to the 2 Kr's, G and A at this place). If it does work out the way we have vaguely planned it, it'll be one hell of a bash. I'll try to take some photos for all of you.

so long.
