Saturday, October 07, 2006

Surfing the World Wide Web #3

Motto of the day:
Faith in humanity has been lost. Somewhere between 'Beware! Fog!'- and 'Baby aboard'-Signs.
Where shall I begin?! Let's see. A teacher gave his english class the assignment to read Fahrenheit 451, a book that is set in an unspecific future, where reading and books in general are banned, and where people who own books or think freely get admitted to mental hospitals and all their books and belongings burned, or immediately killed. So it is a book about the dangers of cencorship, which the pupils were assigned to read.

Diana Verm, one of the 10th graders who had to read this book, decided that she did not want to read the book, because of "the cussing in it and the burning of the Bible", because no other book has that, eh? She got a different reading assignment, but her father went further, and asked to ban the book from her school's curriculum. Let me rephrase:
The father wants to ban a book that deals with the dangers of cencorship.

*waves a a white flag* I give up on my faith for humanity (or America? ... ...?)

On a different side-note. Have you ever seen warning signs on roads, which have 'Beware! Fog!' or anything similar on it? Do you see the mild irony in those? Let me play Mr. Obvious:
There either is Fog, or you can read the sign.
Different story: 'Baby aboard' signs. Do they make you change your mind about the rear-end collision? 'Oh, hun, there is a baby in that car, go crash into the one to the right!'.

Oh well, This is how it goes.
So long,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

