Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Catching up with business #2

Motto of this chapter::
You always meet twice in a lifetime.
So here I was heading home from the flat of the two druggies, trying to process all the information I received in the past two or so hours, and also trying to figure out, how I am going to explain this to my mum or to anyone for that matter. I was basically only shaking my head over how things like this always happen to me, and how I should seriously win an equivalent to the Darwin Award, for my stupidity of actually going with them to their flat.

When my mum opened the door, tears of relief started rolling. I was finally out of that horrifying situation, but I also knew, that these two guys knew my name, and thus also knew where I lived, and I had no idea, whether they had found the drugs in their mail, or if I would receive an unpleasant visit anytime from then on. My mum was of course worried to death what had happened when she saw me crying. I didn't know where to start.

The story went a little like the first part of the story I posted here. Even before I was finished my mum was already worked up. For one because of my stupidity (duh) and also because she thought we should just go there and tell 'em to give back the money they owe me. I found that to be a complete bullshit idea, seeing that if they were into some sort of drug business, they wouldn't be scared by an older person, and would probably also kick the living hell out of me or her or anyone, should they need to. I could atleast not be sure that they wouldn't, and that is why I told my mum to calm down and not do anything as stupid.

I waited for my sister to come home, which was only a few minutes from when I finally had my mum fairly calm, and told her the whole thing again aswell. She always knows how to handle delicate situations. She phoned a friend of hers who works for the police and asked her as a friend, not as a cop, what we should do. She said we shouldn't go there again, and instead contact the police. But I was worried that it was too obvious that I would be the one who had told the police about any of their drug business. I didn't want any harm happen to me or anyone related to me. I decided to calm down first, meet a friend in the city and ask him, he had been a "G" (haha sorry for that, T, if you read this) before, and knew his chunk of not quite so friendly people.

So I rode into the city, and we sat down for a beer, and again I told this story (It was already getting on my nerves to tell about it). He listened just like my mum and sister, and just as I was finishing my second beer, I finished with the story and sat back. I looked outside the window and you won't believe me when I tell you, that the two druggies walked past. I jumped up yelling "That's them!" and was already out the door. My friend thought I was joking, paid the stuff we had eaten, and followed me outside.

He quickly catched up on me, as I was following the two, who were headed towards a ruther slum-ish region of our city, which also had the red light district etc situated in it. As we were following them one of the rather regularly patroling cop cars slowly drove through the shopping area. My friend nodded at them suggesting we should probably go ahead and ask them for help, because obviously they could help. I accepted and we stopped them. It must've sounded weird what we told them, something like this:"Sir, right around the corner are two guys who ripped me off earlier today, taking money from me and waving with bags of drugs infront of my face!", they instantly drove to get them.

We stood there shrugging. They had told us to wait, they'd be back in a minute. Then it came to me, how stupid I was, by standing here: They were gonna take the two guys in their car, and come back here, to discuss what had happened. I'd be face-to-face with them, and they'd know exactly what was going on. I was scared shitless. I told my friend about my assumption and he suggested we just ride to the police station and explain things there. So we legged it and headed for the police station.

Having arrived there I had to tell the story again (*yaaaawn*) and through the multiple times of telling the story and my being scared I forgot the whole chronological order, and my friend kept reminding me of things to add. This is obviously not the best way to tell a true story to the police, or to anyone really. It doesn't sound true that way. Especially, if you are a stupid cop like atleast one of them was, who couldn't wrap their mind around the - in my opinion rather easy - story.

One of cops, sitting infront of a computer, entered the name of one of them into their database. He instantly got his record, which looked pretty impressive: Multiple charges for drug possession, drug dealing, housebreaking and assault. This, I believe, helped the cops believe my story a fair bit. They called the patrol my friend and I had stopped, and asked whether they had gotten the two. My "luck" struck yet again: they hadn't. So it was back to the question, what was I gonna do. The police told me, that the chances of the white stuff they had showed me being actual drugs were really low, it was probably some sort of powder to "stretch" the amount. Thus they themselves wouldn't do anything.

This logic was and is completely ridiculous in my opinion. I am a civilian who has never had a record with the police or anywhere else, and I am telling the police about two known "bad guys" selling drugs and ripping me off, and the police does nothing about it? What the fuck? Where is there a logic behind that at all anyway? They said I could try to send a formal letter to them, saying that I demand my money back by a certain date, and should they not comply, there was the chance of me getting it by sueing. But again, what the fuck? I wanted to avoid contact at all costs.

I decided to take no action at that time. I felt bad for having fallen to their scam, for having given them my money, for having brought the whole situation on myself. I drove home, told my dad about it, who wanted to hear the story from me again. He asked a friend of his (also a cop) a day later aswell, but I learned nothing new from him either. I had to tell them to give back my money, but I wasn't man enough to do that, in fear of harm. So I decided to do nothing and learn my lifelesson from this course in "Don't take candy from strangers".

This was one of the probably top unbelievable stories that ever happened to me. I hope you enjoyed reading it, and learn your own lesson from it, so that you don't have to do the same things wrong that I did.

Hopefully I'll be back to more regular updating again. I can never tell how active I am, I know, I know - I'm a slacker. I should write more. Apparently it's one of my better skills.

So long,
stay tuned!


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Lena said...
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