Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Welcome Home #3

Motto of the moment:
Challenge is the space between what is and what can be.
Australia is coming up. I started with sitting down and acquiring all knowledge about my visa that I need, then opened my e-mail program and wrote a mail to my hostparents asking when it would suit them best for me to arrive. The date is set, I will fly around the 12th fo January. This is a good date for several reasons:

- it is post-new year; I get to party with my mates still
- it is the weekend where M's holidays are over, so she will be distracted from me being away
- it suits my hostparents the best
- it is a date I have chosen

I am very excited about finaly having started with my trip-organization. It has taken alot of will to overcome my resistances to actually start thinking about dates and all that. I felt good telling myself 'It is somewhere in the future, no need to think about it' and was afraid of thinking further than 'sometime in 2007'. I don't know why, it just was frightening me.

Other things that are coming up:
- wednesday evening with S; lots of talking involved?
- somewhere in the next weeks: visiting my big bro F in finland
- driver's license?

So long,


Saturday, October 07, 2006

Surfing the World Wide Web #3

Motto of the day:
Faith in humanity has been lost. Somewhere between 'Beware! Fog!'- and 'Baby aboard'-Signs.
Where shall I begin?! Let's see. A teacher gave his english class the assignment to read Fahrenheit 451, a book that is set in an unspecific future, where reading and books in general are banned, and where people who own books or think freely get admitted to mental hospitals and all their books and belongings burned, or immediately killed. So it is a book about the dangers of cencorship, which the pupils were assigned to read.

Diana Verm, one of the 10th graders who had to read this book, decided that she did not want to read the book, because of "the cussing in it and the burning of the Bible", because no other book has that, eh? She got a different reading assignment, but her father went further, and asked to ban the book from her school's curriculum. Let me rephrase:
The father wants to ban a book that deals with the dangers of cencorship.

*waves a a white flag* I give up on my faith for humanity (or America? ... ...?)

On a different side-note. Have you ever seen warning signs on roads, which have 'Beware! Fog!' or anything similar on it? Do you see the mild irony in those? Let me play Mr. Obvious:
There either is Fog, or you can read the sign.
Different story: 'Baby aboard' signs. Do they make you change your mind about the rear-end collision? 'Oh, hun, there is a baby in that car, go crash into the one to the right!'.

Oh well, This is how it goes.
So long,


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Surfing the World Wide Web #2

Motto of the day:
The most useful criticism in any art form is new work done with the same tools.
Pitchforkmedia is a website that features record and hit reviews. They usually post text, explaining what they do and don't like, like any other review-site. But with the new Jets album review, they must've thought that plain text is not enough. So they expressed their opinion with a video (YouTube). The 'reader' has to interprete that by himself, but I think the message isn't hard to understand, huh?

So long,
never kiss monkeys!


Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Journey goes on

Motto of the last hours:
The way to belief is short and easy, the way to knowledge is long and hard.
It took me days and hours of work to find out, that the problem with my Blog-Publishing was my crappy setup of it. I just had to add 2 URLs, 2 Paths and the problems were gone with the wind.

So now I am back up and running with this Blog, and I hope I don't encounter anymore problems anytime soon.

W00t! and \o/!


Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Welcome Home #2

Motto of right now:
I-hi feel so alive, for the very first time! I can't deny you! I feel so alive!
In Germany, alot of younger kids go out on windy days and fly kites. I was out in the garden, preparing everythin for getting the grass cut, and I heared some fluttering and flapping sound, which instantly reminded me of my childhood days, out on the Doernberg nearby our hometown, where I and my family would fly kites. I had the afternoon planned for 'Time with M', but nothing specific, so I went and called her, and asked her whether she would be into living up the 'good ol' days', and she said that she would love to.

So her and I brought all our kite-packages together and eventually found a kite which worked, and which looked well enough built to actually still work and went off to fly it. Seriously, we had so much fun doing that, I want to do that again soon. It took me a little time to get into handling it again, but once I was in, I had a very great time. Afterwards we climbed the highest part of the 'mountain', and watched the sun set. Romance ftw!

Other things I did in the last days:
- helped my best chum' Se learn for his maths test on Wednesday (G'luck!)
- looked around the web for a work-visum for Australia (180 AD)
- owned the top 10 in a browsergame called veSports (and got knocked out again because of a rollback)
- completely knocked out my Bio-Rythm AGAIN, going to bed at 5 a.m. ftl!

Anyway, stay tuned!
